I took this iMovie class, and our first project was to take a four hour video where we used this feature on the camera to only take a still every ten seconds, leaving us with a fourty second film! Here is my time-lapsed video, check it out!
I wish I had used night-vision but oh well, you can still tell what a restless sleeper I am!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
night ride!
I went snowboarding the other night.. conditions weren't that great, pretty icy.. meaning I fell a lot. My last fall was the worst.. caught my edge trying to take a sharp turn and wam! It hurt.. made for a trip to the bar inside the lodge happen a little sooner :)

my friend Heidi

I took a lot from the lift

strappin in at the top of the hill

it was snowin pretty hard for our last run!
my friend Heidi
I took a lot from the lift
strappin in at the top of the hill
it was snowin pretty hard for our last run!
Monday, March 3, 2008
so here's a question..
So ok, if you can post websites on how to make weed brownies and not get into trouble, can you podcast yourself making them? or not even making them just showing you how without showing the actual bud? ..and would it matter if you shot the video in Denver or Amsterdam?
Friday, February 29, 2008
the spork.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
A guy goes to the supermarket and notices an attractive woman waving at him.
So he says hello.
He's rather taken aback because he can't place
her, so he says, 'Do you know me?'
To which she replies, 'I think you're the father of one of my kids.'
Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to
his wife and says, 'My God, are you the stripper from my bachelor party that
I made love to on the pool table with all my buddies watching while your
partner whipped my rear end with wet celery?'
She looks into his eyes and says calmly, 'No, I'm your son's teacher.'
So he says hello.
He's rather taken aback because he can't place
her, so he says, 'Do you know me?'
To which she replies, 'I think you're the father of one of my kids.'
Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to
his wife and says, 'My God, are you the stripper from my bachelor party that
I made love to on the pool table with all my buddies watching while your
partner whipped my rear end with wet celery?'
She looks into his eyes and says calmly, 'No, I'm your son's teacher.'
Monday, February 25, 2008
Hawk Gallery

nature's art.
Even though I have yet to capture these on camera, I still can, which makes it so neat. I think of this as an ongoing never-ending countless possibilities project: Nature's Art.
Idea #1: In Autumn, when the leaves fall, they stay until brushed away yes? Maybe by the rain, by us, the wind, whatever- Well have you ever noticed after a rain storm, leaf prints are left on concrete? It's almost as if mother earth is stenciling her remains on the un-natural.
Idea #2: There is this string of bushes at Ohio University.. I have not pinpointed the reason for why the bushes never change colors at the same time; maybe the way the buildings are positioned to block the sun, maybe it's the time they were planted, I don't know. There is probably about 10 bushes all lined next to each other and at the beginning of the fall they start in a deep green and fade into a bright red. Towards the end of the season it goes from a deep red to bare leafless twigs.
Idea #1: In Autumn, when the leaves fall, they stay until brushed away yes? Maybe by the rain, by us, the wind, whatever- Well have you ever noticed after a rain storm, leaf prints are left on concrete? It's almost as if mother earth is stenciling her remains on the un-natural.
Idea #2: There is this string of bushes at Ohio University.. I have not pinpointed the reason for why the bushes never change colors at the same time; maybe the way the buildings are positioned to block the sun, maybe it's the time they were planted, I don't know. There is probably about 10 bushes all lined next to each other and at the beginning of the fall they start in a deep green and fade into a bright red. Towards the end of the season it goes from a deep red to bare leafless twigs.
bad commercial, bad!

If you watch TV I'm sure you're familiar with those Diet Dr. Pepper commercials who use their, "There's nothing diet about it" slogan to sell their soda. Now, maybe it's just me, but are they kidding?! "There's nothing diet about it" ..there is nothing diet about this diet soda, but in fact it is very un-diet. ...right? I mean that's what they're saying, aren't they? Their entire line of recen

Sunday, February 24, 2008
bless you?
When someone around you sneezes, do you follow up with the traditional, "bless you"? For some reason when no one says 'bless you' after I sneeze, during a quiet exam for example, it really makes me angry. Maybe I see it as inconsiderate, or I'm just weird. Well I was driving the other day, stopped at light, when I let out a loud sneeze! Windows up no one heard but I happen to turn to the guy next to me in a white van and I see him mouth to me, "bless you". Kind of creepy but at the same time I guess we both share the inability to ignore a sneeze.
like woah-

Dede is from another part of the world and suffers from trying to live a normal life with part of his body incased in tree-like warts. A top dermatologist, seen left, has been called in from Maryland to see if there is a treatment to possibly cure this unbelievable disease.
Watch this video for a more upclose look... Hopefully with more funding, the research needed can be done and a possible cure might be found!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Soo I found another one of those bravia commercials- I came across it when trying to find the song to another one. I really think the techniques used are so different and well, cool! I still like the paint video the best, but this one is still neat. Check it out!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
tattoo of the year

Soo I have been in college for about four years now trying to decide what I want to do with my life.. geze the frickin pressure! "If I don't pick the right thing I will forever be stuck in a terrible unhappy life that will result in years of useless therapy and deprssion". Great.
Here's a little bit of history so you can know what goes through my head when I try and figure life out. My dad has been all over the place when it comes to career decisions. When I grew up he would paint a lot, go to museums and art shows, and he spent a lot of time in antique shops buying mainly junk. My mom went to school for teaching and now works with middle schoolers stressed and aging quickly, but she loves it. Neither of my parents graduated till after I was born soo the fact of me taking awhile, doesn't bother them, because honestly they're not allowed to let it! I saw my dad struggle with making money and trying to survive off selling his paintings and that is something I never want to do. My main goal is security, that's actually the only reason I'm going to college.. to have options. options = security. Even though I have always leaned toward the art field, I'm trying my hardest to stray because I do not want to make a life out of struggling to make my work worth something to someone else.
Ok so I went to Ohio University taking the basic g.e.c. classes with more art than anything else. I left knowing these things:
1. I hate psychology 101. They cram you with way too much. Hate it.
2. Philosophy was interesting, but it was hard for me to continue to pay attention.
3. Math is hard. very hard. (it took me 3 times to pass calc with a C. actually this is a good story, I'm going to tell it real quick. I went into orientation and ok my mom has always said I'm not a.d.d. but I have to be something because I can't pay attention to save my life! But so the orientation people were talking, I was dazing, and then they passed out our results for the english and math placement tests. What? I scored into the level that allows you to take calc? How'd I do that? Well whatever yay for me!! So then we scheduled and me, who doesn't listen, didn't know I didn't HAVE to take a math right away. I placed so high if I majored in art I would never have to take math ever again. But I didn't know that because I didn't listen. Soo here I am 3 classes later of barely passing with a C. So now I know, listen!!
...okay I got distracted and forgot where I was going with this.. anyway I took some art history and foundations classes at OU, which I liked a lot, but still wasn't sure if that's what I wanted to do. I was leaning to photography when I decided to come to OSU, but hadn't picked up my camera in awhile and didn't miss it as much as I thought I would. I always liked taking pictures, my dad bought me a sweet camera when I like 13 ..so I got into that a lot in high school. ANyway, my friend was majoring in visual communication and that sounded really appealing to me. It was something that fit all my criteria: I wanted to be able to use my creative-ish brain, work for a big company where I can make lots of money, deal with people. ...SECURITY! I loved it, I got really into it thinking about all these ideas I already had to make the commercial advertising sweet! (you just wait... I've got tons of ideas) Well I took my first design class.. it was frickin hard! It was only three credit hours and I worked harder in that class and spent more time than I did on anything else. I got all my drawings back with "this line isn't straight enough", this lines too sketchy", ...C. Wait. What? C? I have never gotten less than a B in art my entire life! That has always been the only thing I can count on A's for! Now I am used to doing badly but in art? What?!? So I scrapped that because 3-4 more years of that torture was going to send me into a downward spiral. Plus it was such a competitive field and I wasn't looking so hot. Well this same quarter I was taking a glass class learning how to cut, glue ..it was using all cold glass. I loved it! I wasn't the best at it but I was learning and I really liked it! I like to draw and I like to paint and I like to take pictures, but I was starting to love glass. Well I got on the wait-list for glass blowing and kilm work, both were full and I knew I wasn't going to get in. At this point it's Christmas break and I figure that I'm going to do art, because I want to graduate and I was furthest along in my art classes. I talked to my dad and he said just to do what I wanted now because in the long run it doesn't really matter what I major in and I can always go back to grad school. Well I thought about glass but I knew it was fate (yes, I'm so cheesy and yes I think this was fate) when I was sitting on my butt doing nothing on the first day of winter quarter and decided to check my email. It was about 7pm when I was reading the email: Hello, you're on the wait-list for glass blowing and an opening has just become available. If you can get to our first class tonight at 6:30 then you can join the class. I think I actually yelled out loud with joy lol. I have heard people waiting two and three years to get into glass blowing so I was very excited. I drove there and even though I was late, she let me in. I love this class, I am very bad at it, no natural that is for sure! But I love it. Soo I went to my advisor and said, I want to major in glass. We set up a plan of when I'd take my classes and when I'd graduate. Now the next step is applying for my BA review, which will be in the spring, and then in the fall apply for my BFA so I can take my adventure into glass further! What a relief to declare a major! Phew! Now I can breathe.
So you might be thinking.. but what about the money and the job and the security of not becoming a starving artist? Screw it. I just want to be happy at this point. I want a big family and even more to be able to be there for them when they're growing up. Now my plan is to marry a man who's making all the dough and live off that :) ..and maybe one day cash in on all my sweet commercial ideas. trust me, they're good. :)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Crack Found on Governor's Daughter
Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says
Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
Is There a Ring of Debris around Uranus?
Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over
Miners Refuse to Work after Death
Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant
War Dims Hope for Peace
If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last Awhile
Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures
Enfield ( London ) Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide
Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges
Man Struck By Lightning: Faces Battery Charge
New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group
Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft
Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half
Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors
Typhoon Rips Through
Cemetery; Hundreds Dead
Crack Found on Governor's Daughter
Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says
Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
Is There a Ring of Debris around Uranus?
Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over
Miners Refuse to Work after Death
Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant
War Dims Hope for Peace
If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last Awhile
Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures
Enfield ( London ) Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide
Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges
Man Struck By Lightning: Faces Battery Charge
New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group
Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft
Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half
Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors
Typhoon Rips Through
Cemetery; Hundreds Dead
in continuation to what I just wrote... my Grandma had knee surgery not that long ago and spent about two weeks in this rehabilitation center. It was a nursing home slash rehab slash assisted living.. the place was pretty big. Anyway, you saw a lot of people in wheelchairs because they've just gotten to that point in their lives that they can't get around on their own. When I went once to visit her, I had to get into the elevator since she was on the eighth floor or something. This lady waiting with me, who happened to be in a wheelchair, got into the elevator, was forced to stair at the wall, then when it was her time to get off at her floor, I had to get out.. just to let her out. This elevator was so small you couldn't fit two wheelchairs let alone one comfortably. Now don't you think in a place that is surrounded by people in those situations, the contractor should have taken that into consideration? And maybe the building was something else before this, but renovations can be made.
When my uncle Alan was at Texas A&M, he was taking this interior architecture class and one of their assignments was to design a building. During their presentations, this one girl got up and started talking about her project. My uncle raised his hand and said, "Now that's a very good design, but my aunt can't go in there. She has polio and due to her wheelchair, she would have no way of entering your building."
Another story to go along with my last, my uncle, my mother's brother, was studying architecture at either OSU or Texas A&M. (he graduated from a&m after transferring from osu, I just don't remember where this story was from). Anywho, my uncle Alan was in this class and they had to design a chair. Well he turned in a sketch and the teacher said it wasn't good enough. So he did another one, still wasn't good enough. Did another one, the teacher said nope, I still want you to do better. Finally Alan was like, now wait a minute. A lot of these other chair designs are worse than mine, why are you being so hard on me? "Because I know you can do better". So then after I don't know how many more sketches, my uncle turned in a penis chair. My grandma describes it as a shaft with balls that you could sit in. Let your imagination take you to where his was in the 70's. So anyway he made this penis chair that he was pretty proud of, and even my grandma, who's a seven days a week church goer, said it was pretty sweet! He worked really hard on it up until it was due. He put it in the bed of his truck real late at night so he could take it into school without anyone watching him carry it in. Can you imagine the honks he must have gotten? Driving a huge wang and all. Well in reference to time, I'm not sure how far into class he got before people got upset. The teacher liked it, but some people didn't. In fact a lot of people found it to be very offensive. These people who said it provoked sinful ideas, burned it. Now isn't that a little ironic? They were from the church, said it wasn't right to make such a profound object, then stole the chair and burned it. ....soo what, what they did wasn't wrong? Anyway, I guess the story ended up being a little sad because I would have wanted to see what this chair looked like. But it's still kind of cool that he made a chair look like a dick.
So here's a cool story. My dad used to go to OSU yearrrss ago studying art. Well he had this drawing board that he painted on, shellacted, and would use to clean his brushes at the bottom and stuff. Well so anyway time went by and his younger brother took it into class because he needed it for one of his drawing assignments. (our family likes art lol.) He left it there, summer and some time went by. Then one day walking through the halls of Hopkins he saw it hanging on the wall. Unknown artist.
I'm trying to track it down seeing if possibly it might still be in the archives somewhere. Probably not, but maybe. I've got the names, phone numbers and emails of the people I need to contact, I just haven't taken it to the next step yet. Cool story though huh!
My parents are divorced so I have quite an abstract look on relationships and love and all that crap. I'm in a relationship now, and I think I am constantly trying to find something that's wrong with it. I don't know why I do that, well I have a few ideas on where that part of me comes from.. but how do I change it? I know plenty of people with divorced parents who have no problems with their current relationships. But not me, no I've always had issues with trust, commitment, all that stuff. I pick fights, I guess for a sense of rationality since my only reference to a couple has been a destructive one. Who knows.. maybe I haven't found the right one, or maybe I'll never let myself.

I've been in college for almost four years, and I have had no idea what I want to do. Well, I've had plenty of ideas, just couldn't decide slash wasn't good enough at anything lol. But I finally decided that I'm going to major in art and concentrate on glass. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet since I don't really want to be an "artist", but we'll see where it takes me. Right now I'm just having fun learning about it, I'll get to that whole job bolder when I get there.
You know what really grinds my gears? Idiots on the road. When the sign says 45, you don't insist on driving 30! And why does it seem that you always find the only other person on the road driving the same speed as you, and then drive for miles parallel to each other forcing no way around. URRRGHHH! I mean just because it's the limit, doesn't mean you have to choose to drive wayyy under the speed that everyone else is comfortably moving at.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
If you haven't heard of Michel Gondry, then google him because this man is amazing! He directed Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, Science of Sleep, and many many more commercials, music videos, the list could go on. He is this crazy artist who uses visual tricks to make art! I love his stuff!! This White Stripe video is one of the many he made. (I'm sure you've seen the one done with legos? "in love with a girl" ..yeah that's him too!!)

I don't know if you've ever heard of Pipilotti Rist but she is such a good artist! The first picture is of her doing a live installation right in time square! I think it was for ten seconds every hour a shot of her being "stuck" inside the tv would come on. She'd move around literally as if she was stuck behind the screen!
The next pictures are shows I'm less familiar with.. but she's just so neat! She uses a lot of light and video while showing beautiful bright colors. I did a project on her for a 4-D class, and learned a lot about her. One project she did was to walk up and down this street with a oversized flower. The flower was actually not real and very hard. After a moment of acting polite, she takes the flower and starts banging the crap out of this old vw. It's very comical, and so is she :) Just thought I'd share.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
life comes at you fast

When I was posting about those Sony Bravia commercials, I remembered this: about a month ago I was driving through

About a year ago, well actually I guess it was a little over a year, anyway-- I was taking this imovie class, and our teacher loved to show us videos as a treat sometimes. Well one of the ones she showed us was this sony bravia commercial. They were trying to show how great their television was for showing color.. well here check it out:
I LOVE IT! The music, the flow, all of it, I think it's so cool.
When I was searching for this video on youtube to show you, I came across two new ones they did:
How cool would it be to have been able to help but these things together? The time it must have taken to do something that went by too quick! I just love these :)
I LOVE IT! The music, the flow, all of it, I think it's so cool.
When I was searching for this video on youtube to show you, I came across two new ones they did:
How cool would it be to have been able to help but these things together? The time it must have taken to do something that went by too quick! I just love these :)

I don't remember when or where I came across this picture, but the use of words humors me. Obviously they mean that area has a large flow of pedestrians coming through, but it could be taken as "fat people in" passing. When I went to Ohio University, there was a sign similar to this: "high pedestrian area". Now I don't know if you're familiar with the reputation Athens, Ohio has held high for years, but surrounding counties are known for growing the best marijuana in Ohio, so I've heard. We thought it was hilarious to think that the sign was informing traffic that, "hey be careful, high people could be walking through and not see you". I took a picture of it once for a photography project but I couldn't find it to load onto here. When I saw this one about possible heavy set people passing through, so it might take awhile, it gave me a chuckle. It just goes to show that the interpretation of the american language can go many ways.
(did you ever think that words spelled the same sound nothing alike, like other and bother or comb and tomb? Even though this has absolutely nothing to do with that street sign, it definitely adds to the ways the american language differs! crazy isn' tit? )
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