Even though I have yet to capture these on camera, I still can, which makes it so neat. I think of this as an ongoing never-ending countless possibilities project: Nature's Art.
Idea #1: In Autumn, when the leaves fall, they stay until brushed away yes? Maybe by the rain, by us, the wind, whatever- Well have you ever noticed after a rain storm, leaf prints are left on concrete? It's almost as if mother earth is stenciling her remains on the un-natural.
Idea #2: There is this string of bushes at Ohio University.. I have not pinpointed the reason for why the bushes never change colors at the same time; maybe the way the buildings are positioned to block the sun, maybe it's the time they were planted, I don't know. There is probably about 10 bushes all lined next to each other and at the beginning of the fall they start in a deep green and fade into a bright red. Towards the end of the season it goes from a deep red to bare leafless twigs.
1 comment:
yes yes yes this is a great concept of art making without making art. I do like the unnatural nature stencil
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